Allright, I'm going to say it. I LIKE Chris Christy. The Governor of NJ is plain spoken and opinionated, sure, but he's also the most honest politician with actual experience on the Republican billet.
Granted, I don't always agree with him on many issues like gun control and the expansion of federal powers, and those things are important to me, but I think the guy's a force for good, and has the balls to do what he thinks is correct rather than doing what he thinks will get him reelected. A lot of armchair quarterbacks didn't like that he appreciated Obama's assistance in helping his state through the Sandy disaster. Imagine that. President helps the guy help his constituents (maybe the most positive thing Obamallamadingdong has done in 5 years), and people are pissed because Christy said thanks more than once.
For the most part. I'm not easy to please, anyhow. The last politician I actually fully liked was Ray Flynn, former mayor of Boston and Ambassador to the Vatican. Another guy I didn't always agree with, but in whom I saw the ability to govern well. I see the same in Christy, and, although I don't think the majority is ready for a politician who says no to more free stuff, I'd vote for the guy and hope for the best on the gun issue.
Not Tired of Winning Yet CXCII
2 hours ago
Next time youre having a bad day watch this:
( maybe the NSA got something on Kris P Cream)
Ray Flynn? Years of whipsawing from drunken administrative chaos to political correctness. Maybe the only guy who could make Menino look good.
Flynn thought he got shafted by the Clintons, who shuffled him off to a nice but not particularly significant post the Vatican.
Flynn's feelings were hurt so he took his butthurt to campaigning for Bush in 2000 and 2004.
Yup, he changed sides. Also, being a devout Catholic, he couldn't in good conscience vote for anyone on the other side, anyhow. He would have made a fine president.
If there's a politician you agree with 100%, then you're not thinking. There's a lot Christie's done that I'm not thrilled with, but he's been doing a pretty good job for his state. The underlying issue with the GOP's disagreement with Christie ties back to why they lost the White House. While the put up a moderate candidate, they put up a far right platform. Even if the national part would come around to support Christie, they'll make the same mistakes with a far right platform.
Agreed, anon. Dammit.
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