Over at Wirecutter's, he's rolling out a new feature out there on the Left Coast. MILFy Mondays. I for one welcome the idea.
In the meanwhile, I've included some pictures of my own from my time in Brazil in this week's collection of Nice Things. To recap, this being Tax month at home in the People's Democratic Volksreich of Massachusetts, I'm doing my part to promote cultural understanding and tolerance by introducing folks here to some nice people from Brazil. You're welcome.
Also, bit of trivia: it's very hard to find outdoor pictures from Brazil that don't include butt-floss bikinis, because they're everywhere. This is awesome until you go yourself, and see wild packs of steroid-assisted 21-year old guys ogling your wife because her bikini fits in a test tube. This is also why Americans can't bring their guns. Lesson learned: don't bring your wife to the beach in Brazil. On the upside, they have traveling beer salesmen there who will, literally, come up to you with an ice-cold freshie if they see you've finished yours.
India's SPADEX Docking Experiment Succeeds
3 hours ago
1 comment:
Aroooo...Wolf Whistle!!!
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