Through a random quirk, our schedule has been such that I haven't had to be on watch and idle for the midwatch in a while. For now, it's 3am, I've got 3 1/2 hours to wait until our next job, so it's been a good time to catch up on news, mail, and cooking dinner, too, of course. Tonight included a big as steak, zucchini and baked potato with many, many fixins'. I'm feeling fat and sassy.
You know, southerners do that weird head-tilt thing like a dog does when you say something they don't understand.
In pulling into Port Elizabeth, NJ earlier, we swung around to point bow out, so when we leave, it'll be a straight shot. When the tugboat deckhand asked what was up, I said "We're bangin' a yooey."
Head tilt ensued.
It's one of those things, I guess. Many southerners wouldn't understand that I was referring to a u-turn.
I'd like to think that I'm a little more clued in, these days. For instance, I know that when a southerner says 'bless your heart' they're really saying "oh, fuck you."
Strange, though, I didn't realize that Florida is mostly not part of the south. Now that I'm a resident, I realize that everyone moved there, but few were born there.
Thursday's memes
43 minutes ago
It's generally the area north of Orlando where most of the native Crackers live.
I'm pickin' up what you're laying down... Flippin a Bitch is the one that people usually scratch their heads on when I say it. I come from the very culturally infused USMC School of Terminologies. Where else can you run a game of spades and talk shit the entire time to your dark green brethren and be complimented on your insults? NO WHERE.
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