Monday, February 10, 2025

All the fuss, and why I've been so quiet.

  Well, holy o' dogshit, I got a nice phone call a little while ago. 

     So, for the past few months I've been having scans, ultrasounds and two different biopsies, and living with the thought that once it all got confirmed, I was going to be told this week that I have cancer. 

     Nope. Benign. 

   The first biopsy last month came back indeterminate, and the second, just last week, results were definitive. No cancer. 

 I'm a bit of a mess emotionally. Anyhow, that's why I haven't been writing as much on here. I was doing some contingency planning.    It's been a shitty couple of months having the question mark there, and also other things like the house construction shitshow in Brazil, and the lawsuit over same, etc etc... just hasn't been a lot of good luck overall. 

 I gotta buy a lottery ticket tomorrow though. I'm flying out bright and early headed back to work and into a storm. Hopefully I'll be on the ground before the weather hits. 


Rob said...

Good news! Safe travels & calm seas...

drjim said...

I had the same question mark hanging over me most of 2023. In and out of the hospital five times, dozens of tests and procedures, yada, yada, yada.

So I know how you feel. Mine came back all negative, too, but one of the surgeries was a bit unpleasant.

doubletrouble said...

Good to hear! ‘Bout time something goes right…

OldAFSarge said...

Great news, Paul. Stay frosty!