Monday, October 21, 2024

Regular Watches

 The drama llama has apparently gone off to another field this week. 

        I got my wish. A couple of watches where it was just get up, eat, work, eat, shower, sleep, rinse repeat. 

           Getting shit on from upon a great height is like hitting yourself in the head with a hammer- it just feels so good when you stop.   Nobody died, nobody is in danger of dying, it's just me with a job to do. Put the oil in the hole, take the oil out of the hole and don't spill any. 

     As much as the work/life balance here on the HQ is now something that no longer exists, it was just nice to not be getting bad news for a couple of days. To that end, there hasn't been anything particularly notable happening here aboard, and that's great news, for however long it lasts.  I even have most of the watch off today, for values of 'watch off...' by which I caught up on the assorted logbooks, ordered supplies, changed the oil on one of the generators, restrung the anti-twoblock brake on one of the deck cranes (there's a 100-lb weight under the #1 hook on our crane- if something lifts the weight, the hydraulilcs to the wire drum cut off, so we can't jam the #1 hook into the crane head), changed out a dead light bulb on the Christmas Tree ( a large colorful alarm panel mounted about 20' in the air that lights up if a cargo tank is being overfilled), and cleaned up a couple of oil spots on deck.   Yup.   Good watch off. And it's only 0930!   

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