Monday, February 28, 2022

Halfway day approaches

 The world is pretty nuts right now, huh?   I can't get a bead on what's going on. So much spin and bullshit. Photos from the past are presented as photos of things going on right now, etc, etc. I don't know who to believe. 

    You know what I do believe? I believe that shit's getting more and more expensive and other than that and the CONSTANT FRIGGING GALES not much else is changing for me day-to-day. 

 Seriously, gales twice a week. It's normal for February, but F me, it's getting old. I get up in the morning, and something on deck has relocated. I found the cap from one of my oil sample bottles wedged under a truck tire on the dock. I don't know what it was hiding under on board, but it sailed a good 200 feet or so from the deck to the parking area for the terminal where we're berthed. 

        I am somewhat used to powerlessly watching things happen ashore while I need to keep my eyes in the boat, not ashore. It helps. All's I can do is keep my family safe and warm, and be prepared for weirdness, be it fiscal, safety, or whatever kind. I'm doing and have done that, so from here I'm trying not to get emotionally invested in the fear porn and outrage porn that the media peddles. It feels subversive to tune the world out to the degree that I wish to. Ain't shit I can do about things on the world stage  beyond be prepared for unintended consequences. I mean, already there, dude, generally, so what else should I do? Be reactive? 

  You know it's a good time to have a job that includes sticking your head in the venting top of a large petroleum tank to have a look.  Aside from being able to see the smell of the number G afterwards, I have more important things to worry about that ARE in my direct control. Not fucking up in general being one of them. It's good to be able to focus on important things like not fucking up at work rather than staring impotently at a computer screen watching the news like a eunuch in a whorehouse while the world does its  thing. 

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