Thursday, February 24, 2022

another regular day

 So I woke up to learn that Russia invaded Ukraine, as predicted. 

       While I keep up with world events, and have limited my consumption of social media to pictures of boats and boobs, and also mostly jokes, I saw that the many internet epidemiologists are also geopolitical experts, turns out. Amazing people. I feel so uneducated. 

    I am somewhat active on Instagram, which provides the best venue for jokes, boobs and boats while making avoiding politics and other issues of substance relatively easy.  There's a guy named  Amir Odom who I follow there, who dedicates a lot of time to helping people to discuss difficult topics rationally, and supports rational thinking and independent thought.  Despite an almost complete lack of boats, boobs and jokes, I enjoy reading his posts. The kid's a gay black conservative with a libertarian streak.  Not my usual source of material, but I find his presentation of opinions refreshing and his rational manner of communication innovative, nonconfrontational and logical. 

 So the point to all this was a post today. 

Some of y'all are concerned with international affairs more than the internal affairs in your own life and it shows. 

"Pray for Ukraine" how about pray for yourself? It baffles me how many people pick a side on foreign affairs as if they really understand what's going on. 

Y'all were so invested in Israel/Palestine and guess what? We still here. Your bills still due. Your traumas still need to be addressed. You're still behind on your goals. Take care of your life before you invest all your time on issues thousands of miles away for a country you can't even point to on a damn map. 

       Little dude's right of course. A nice, sincere, simple post, and it made me laugh a bit. After finishing my morning chores and some paperwork, I looked around at the freakout online, and put my phone in my pocket.  Some important stuff DID happen this morning though. 

      We're berthed in Brooklyn, adjacent to Brooklyn Bridge Park, in fact. And today I watched a young couple a couple piers over get married. It was just them, a JP and a couple of witnesses. Gorgeous backdrop of Manhattan as seen from across the river.  That affected me a lot more than the events in Ukraine. I didn't tear up, but it made me feel all sentimental and shit.  I wish them well. 


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