Friday, February 2, 2018

little boat update and looking ahead

It's time to start winding down my vacation and doing the hundred little things that need to get done before I head to sea again next week.

 This past week I had mornings free to work on my little boat, which is now just about finished. I still have to do the lettering for the name and install the battery, radio control gear, rudder and servo motors, and after that I've got to put in 8-9 5lb bags of ballast to get her to sit at the water level. Click to embiggnify.
 You can see past posts about construction here

And earlier ones here

Also here

And the first one here

rigging the mast suports. I used black twine for the wires

Adding details like the ladders, lifeboat davit, etc.

She's not small

little details, like the lifeboat, liferings, etc. Wood, thread, paint.

soldering motor and aligning the reduction gear

installing power plant


  1. What's the bollard pull going to be? Will it be enough to tow you while float tubing? Just to make sure you clear the snags.

  2. Impressive. Just curious, does your son have an interest in learning these skills from you?
