Friday, December 6, 2024

Halfway day

 Wedbesday was halfway day, the halfway point of the present hitch on the HQ for me.  I came in a week early to get some pre-holidays OT but that don't count. 

          Presently we're loaded and waiting on slack water in about 3 more hours to sail from the terminal where we gassed up the HQ. 

 Halfway day is usually my day to wash out my fart sack (linens) and bath towel and start planning things to do when I go home. That's about it. Nothing special. 

   It's been an average week, though windy and cold. I'm mostly writing because I am anxious as I wait to hear from folks in Brazil and time is dragging ass at the moment. 

      Today is the 2nd of 2 arbitration sessions between our lawyer, our engineer, and the builder of my house in Brazil, who it seems has defrauded the ever-loving shit out of us. There's an insane story there, but today, right now in fact,  is the last shot at settling things without a civil trial and a criminal complaint being issued for fraud.  

         Whatever.  I took it in the seat from this trashbag. I will accept his head on my mantle in trade if he doesn't have a Come To Jesus moment.  I made it clear that I was willing to look on this as a tax that I paid for being a gullible dumbfuck and walk away at anything more than x cents on the dollar, x being a lot less than I want but which could be resolved in a matter of weeks. 

 If not... well I already got fucked.  I am perfectly willing to aacept a Pyrrhic victory if the guy wants a battle of attrition or tries to run the clock down. 

     But I will leave Brazil in Brazil for now. I've still got shit to do here. 


  1. When I was working in Brazil one agent we worked with that lived in Brazil for years and was originally from Zanzibar often would say “you send a Brazilian to deal with a Brazilian“. Beautiful country beautiful people but a complex culture for gringos.

  2. Seems it might have been worth the effort to make it clear to those working on your house just how "connected" you actually were, in an attempt to forestall this sort of financial problem. For that matter, might not be that expensive to have some sort of "come to Jesus" encounter arranged for this clown, to see if more actual money can be scraped up by him as restitution.
