Sunday, May 19, 2024

Benefits include pissing over the side

 Sometimes after a shitty week, the only positive part on reflection was the one time the sun came out for 10 minutes and you got to watch it rise or set while taking a leak over the side and into the ocean.  This past week was that exactly. It being Sunday, I am happy that I was able to have a nice sunset experience There weren't many other highlights, but it was nice to see the sun finally, and also nice to fill the ocean back up to its' proper level.  And I'm not the only one to take a small pleasure from being able to hang the wang pointed at a place I do not love. 

Because New York is the third goddamn world, It took 15 minutes to successfully upload this tiny picture.  This place really can eat a dick.  

    In this respect, peeing at the place I abhor and letting the salty stream of my ennui marinate their vista,  I feel bad for female mariners, who already have it rough out here for  a variety of reasons and also can't just take a leak over the side and feel the gentle breeze on the bits to try to turn a crappy day around. The only way they get to do this requires a HELL of a lot more risk, and a much higher chance of getting wet feet out of all that effort.  

 Anyhow, this week was a 3 on the 1-10 scale, but it was a 2 up until 15 minutes ago. Nice to see the sun for a minute too, finally. 


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