Tuesday, February 27, 2024

dear diary

 More and more I am thinking that this blog has run its' course.  It's certainly been a number of years.  I am at a point career-wise where things are on autopilot and I just work to keep my credentials current. I have the connections. credentials and the pull at my company to switch to being tug crew if I want and make more money... but I don't' want it. In less than 3 months I'll be 50.  I haven't grown MORE tolerant of being in close proximity to coworkers over time, so being hotboxed with 4-5 other grown men in a rolly-assed tugboat for weeks at a time sounds like punishment at this point.  I'm good where I am. 

Instead of a story, I offer you these fine things:  


  1. I certainly understand the pain it is to maintain a blog, especially since I pretty much abandoned mine a while back. That said, I do enjoy reading what you write.

  2. Almost 1/2 way to 100... There is time enough for a lot of living...

  3. Well, it would suck if you stopped blogging. But I get it. Do what you need to do, Paul.

  4. Paul, I have really enjoyed your blog for a long time, I think well over a decade. It's an interesting life you live chugging around refueling those who bring us stuff. You stories about your other marine adventures were entertaining as well.

    If you pull the plug, I for one will miss you.

  5. Paul, I have been reading your blog for a long time, well over a decade I believe. Always enjoyed your writing.

    I hope you continue.

  6. I understand if you want to stop but I can tell you that people like me stop by to see what you are up to and hear about how things are going on in your life and your coveted property in Brazil as it becomes your own amazing oasis. While we were busy doing other things the world went crazy. It's nice to visit one of the few pockets of sanity left on the internet. I hope you take care in whatever you decide. God bless you!

  7. Nope, bad plan. I was actually going to suggest you get all your stories together & write a book- who doesn’t love the vivid tales of a mariner’s life & the attendant fart jokes?
    Look, you’re a couple years younger than my son, so I know there’s still plenty of steam in the boiler.
    Now, get to it & give us a story.
    Fair winds…

  8. I pop by here everyday on the off chance that you have posted something. I enjoy hearing about your life on the barge and off of it - that is so much different than my day to day life and I do enjoy it.

    Having said that, you have been doing this quite a while and it is your life/blog/decision. I am happy that you have come to a relatively quiet spot in your life.

    Phil K

  9. No No Please do not leave us. Been following you for such a long time and you are one of the very few that are genuine and a delight to read. From one that is way way past 50 yo. Cheers

  10. I hope you keep blogging. Even occasional entries are interesting, particularly because you're in an unusual occupation, married to an interesting wife, and doing interesting things (including building/renovating a house in Brazil). It's nice to read doings that are out of the ordinary.

  11. What Peter said.
    Seems every post I learn something new. It's a good day when I find a new post, or find you commenting on another blog.
    It feels like it was yesterday when you were talking about your young boy, and now he's working on the water too. Time flies.
