Saturday, March 25, 2023

paying dues

 I'm on my last week of the tour at work, and this month has been one of those times where it seems like 90% of the work is happening on my watch. Certainly earlier in the tour, all the Coast Guard visits, inspections and assorted people wanting things were left to me to sort, but this was mostly as a result of my working days anyhow- business hours fell on my watch. Now that I'm on my last week and working nights, strangely all the things are suddenly happening after hours. 

 It's like that- just as you think you're being picked on, suddenly it's the other watch's turn to get shit upon from a great height, and you don't even notice that the chocolate rain has stopped falling on you. 

 I'm waiting for that time now. 

 Anyhow, 4 watches to go after this one. 

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