Monday, February 14, 2022

Forced Quiet time Part 2: now with text!

 So my post yesterday got mostly deleted somewhere and I couldn't get it back. I maybe fatfingered something on the keyboard, I dunno. 

 As stated though, I had a (mostly) good time at home. I head back tomorrow to the Weed Palace, the hourly 1 star hotel in Brooklyn that my company stows traveling mariners in in preparation for crew change. 

      I guess I could stay at the Days Inn Fallujah, the zero-star hotel in a burned out neighborhood a few miles away, which is also an option. Again, it's a hotel that caters to whores and poors, and is a nicer facility in a much much worse place, so the Weed Palace it is. I actually like the neighborhood, being generally safe, as much as the clientele may leave something to be desired. 

 So the past two weeks went by so quickly. As always, Inappropriately Hot Foreign Wife and I were welded at the hip for most of it and she was able to cut way back on her hours so we had time together, including a nice child-free weekend getaway on my first weekend home. The return trip left something to be desired, I suppose. I managed to fall and hit my head, hard, in my own garage, and got a concussion out of the deal. My first one as an adult I think. Oh, I'm ok, I was seeing stars, barfed up everything I've eaten in the past 18 months and had to get looked at of course,  and I was dizzy for a day or two and out of sorts for another few days after, but I'm ok now, back to 100%.  I have a head like a block of wood.  It forced me to do less, which is a good thing in the long run. Anyways, I don't recommend it.  I worried about losing much-needed brain cells, but 20+ years of sniffing vapors, I long ago killed off the weak ones. My brain is a thunderdome. 

   It seems so odd to have been more or less living in shorts and light shirts and frequently barefoot for the past few weeks, knowing that winter has in no way finished fucking the northeast where I'll be tomorrow. This is such a lovely time of year to be in Florida, although the tourists, my God, they're like fruit flies. Just everywhere, and constantly in the way. 

 Funny thing, they're all running away from the bad weather, but also from the horrible living conditions that they're voted and supported into place.   I try to stay out of politics, now, but I am very concerned about my Florida being New Yorked if the wrong type of folks get the idea to take root here and bring the awful ideas and policies they're currently running away from.  

 Most of all, it's been so nice to be out and about every day, and not a mask or a vaccine card kabuki show in sight. No leftist virtue signal  mouth hijabs here. Just a bunch of lepers and suntanned deplorables... except that the tourists, strangely, don't wear masks either, and I'm pretty sure not all are MAGA men and libertarians, so.... hmmmm.  Strange. 

   Anyway, enough bullshit and back to boats and hose. Time to get my vapor fumes and frozen pipes on. 


  1. Be very cautious about a concussion. I whacked my head about 5 years ago, and figured it would be ok, as I had done that a few times up to my early twenties. I kept bumping my head in the course of working, which would set me back for a day or two. Then, it suddenly became a week or so to recover from a head bump. Seems my brain gave up trying to heal that damage, and it never did finish healing. Major problem. Had to stop working due to this. Can't shoot, either, as I expect that recoil might kill me.

    Turns out our DOD is now the worlds authority on Traumatic Brain Injury, due to IED's and such. Their mandated recovery process: 6 to 8 weeks of bed rest. No working on the computer, as that heavy brain effort steals energy the brain needs for healing.

    Oh, BTW, according to the experts, a second concussion on top of an unhealed one has at least a 50% chance of killing you. Actually, they expressed it as 50 to 100% fatality rate. I suspect the fuzzy numbers are due to the lack of accurate tracking of medical data on the subject, as it is a subject that most doctors are clueless on, and not everyone bothers going to a doctor or ER for a concussion. So, someone who trips over a curb and dies may not have a history showing they had a similar fall a couple weeks earlier, or they got punched in the head.

    I know that it's not a 100%, since I knocked myself out by getting smacked in the temple with the end of a heavy extension cord. It was lights out before I even hit the dirt, and I don't know how long it was before I woke up. Cracked two teeth somehow, and had to have crowns put on them. Dentist had never seen them crack across the face, said they normally just break off.

    I would be very concerned about dealing with icy decks until you confirm it has healed. End up in the water after hitting your head, you may not be capable of surviving.

  2. Worst case scenario, you always have ethic cleansing. Also works on Marxists.

    Hope your head feels better and you don't get frostbite on anything important.

  3. I see that it came out that Bob Saget died after falling asleep following a head impact.

    One of the odd/stupid things that I discovered about doctors and concussions is that a lot of them buy into the Hollywood view of how minor they think a concussion is. The big name actor gets knocked out, and 15 minutes later is up and running and gunning like normal. That, and they think that if you weren't unconscious, it wasn't really a concussion. It's a writer's plot point! It's not the real world, it's reel world. Sheesh! Too much of the world thinks this is true to life, so it's obvious that the medical establishment isn't trained on the subject, and is learning from the boob tube, also.

  4. Weird. I am a libertarian but I wear masks in some situations and support vaccines. Not sure what being liberarian has to do with being against the medical community. Personal freedom doesn't mean you gotta be dumb
