Wednesday, October 13, 2021

You can't make this stuff up.

 After the disaster that is the US supply chain performance these past 6 months, the Port of LA/Long Beach is going to start running 24/7, like every other port in the United States has been doing for years. 

 I knew about this from a while back.  The largest seaport in the US doesn't have workers who will work nights. All other container ports in the US are 24/7/365. Except the largest one. 

 I guess someone finally noticed that the highest paid longshoremen IN THE WORLD don't work nights. 

 6 months of things getting steadily worse, and the powers that be finally realized that every container port in the US that isn't fucking the dog when it comes to job performance has one thing in common: they turn lights on and keep working after dark. Not LA/Long Beach, though. With a starting salary well over $100,000 a year that can easily be doubled with some overtime, I guess it was unreasonable of us to wonder why the fuck the ILWU had no interest in working more to help soften the impact of their laziness  on the rest of us. 

 The ILWU: Fuck You, we're doing fine.  


  1. Now that is the answer I have been looking for regarding the supply chain madness. I'd head that CA has screwed the pooch on the trucking end of the equation, too, with owner-operators being forbidden to haul out of LA by insane CA laws.

  2. sadly the extra hours won't help. they tried that last year. no trucker will come to pick up loads at night there. the city they pass thru won't let them park anywhere in the limits, has no truck stops. federal regs say they have to stop at ten hours,nowhere to stop. then kali regs pile on shit like they all must have the latest pollution reduction engines n such crap. thousands refuse to even enter the state any more.

  3. I wonder how much this has to do with Texas and Florida container ports hollering that they're open for business and none of that icky California stuff is going on in either state?

    Still, 24/7 Lost Angeles port? How long will it take and how much bribery will it take to even start catching up?

    I can see a lot of operators looking at the fuel costs and transit costs to get into the Gulf and going, "Hmmm... works for me." And suddenly Los Angeles gets less and less. Hopefully.
