Friday, March 5, 2021

Did something happen?

 The culture war rages, apparently, from what I can see. 

           I feel disconnected at this point. Ironically, Inappropriately Hot Foreign Wife had to work an overnight herself last night so I was on my own.  After a week of working nights and sleeping only from 6am-noon, last night (Thursday night) I pulled the pin and took a massive belt of bourbon, probably a quadruple or pentuple shot) with ice, and sat in my jacuzzi for about 45 mins, soaking away various age-related aches and pains, and when properly marinated, went to bed and slept for 9 hours, which just doesn't happen for me. I'm not a good sleeper and 7 to 7 1/2 hours is my usual ideal.  Still, obviously I needed it, and now my circadian rhythm is back to what it should be, although the bourbon, drunk on an empty stomach, has left me feeling like I'm 30 seconds behind reality today. 

     At any rate, reading the news online this morning has left me aware that now that I'm mostly off social media, I'm not aware and up to date with what's going on...

You know, when I gave up my career as a biologist and took up fishing commercially and sailing on ships in the off season, almost 25 years ago at this point, one of the most attractive parts of the lifestyle is that I had a great reason to not be engaged with pop culture and could do my own thing. Connectivity has made my life better in many ways- I was single when I started working on the water full-time as a career, and being married now, I talk to my wife every single day... but I used to get on the dock once a month or so with a pocket full of quarters or a credit card or a phone card and call my parents 25 years ago, and that once-a-month call was so welcome and appreciated by them and me too, and then I'd go and work for another month without talking to people I knew... and that was good too for me. The price of connectivity has been in my mind of late, and for some reason it took until now for me to strike a balance that means I can still call my wife every day, and read the news once or twice a week while I'm at work, and the world somehow still goes on, and my life too. 

  I had a reset I guess. 

        Well, time to get on the honey-do list anyhow. Lots to do. It's sunny and pushing 80 outside. 48 hours ago I was freezing my nuts off. This is better. 


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