Tuesday, January 1, 2019

2019 starts with Irish Medicine

   Well, this is an inauspicious start to 2019. I'm sick AND also hung over.

         The flu bug I've been dealing with has manifested in an upper AND lower respiratory infection but I'm starting to see the end of it now. Today is the first day I haven't felt worse than the day before.

 Since I was couchbound, and Inappropriately Hot Foreign Wife is still recovering from her own surgery and has a baseline pain level that is still limiting her activity, we spent New Years Eve pretty much on the couch. I'm not a sickly person, so I don't do well when ill- (read: whiny). I decided to heavily dose myself with traditional Irish medicine, the Hot Toddy, which is a  highly-effective cough suppressant, fever reducer and sleep aid.

 Problem is, I don't like mixing honey, lemon or tea with my Jamison, so I chose to focus on the active ingredient, and added ice. I call it the Cold Toddy. Take ice, cover with whisky, drink.

 So I woke up this morning to the birds singing too loud, the sun shining too bright and my mouth too dry. But you know, I am not coughing nearly as much, and although I have a decent headache, my sinuses are pretty clear. I may have burnt the virus out of my system. It won't take much for things to get better from here.

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