All good things have a beginning and an end. Today marks
both. Good, in that I get to draw a paycheck after a gloriously long and full
time ashore, and bad in that I get to draw a paycheck after a gloriously long
and full time ashore because I’m going back to work.
In my off time,
there wasn’t much off time, if you get me. I had been studying for the last
several months to up the tonnage limit on my captain’s license, and took a 5
day prep class this time prior to sitting for the exam. So that is done and
once Uncle Sugar’s Sea Scouts meditate over my paperwork and withdraw their
pound of flesh, and provided I maintain the Mandate of Heaven, I’ll hopefully
have my new Merchant Marine Credential in my hot little hands in a month or so.
But wait, there’s
more. I also got to take refresher classes in Basic Safety Torture Training
and Advanced Fire Fighting. I’m
ambivalent there, because the refresher training was actually very useful and
knocked the dust off some rarely-used skills that involve muscle memory. I
forgot how miserable swimming in a survival suit was. Same with Fire Fighting.
Watching a flashover, well, flash over my head and relearning how to attack a
nasty fire was also illuminating. Paying for this shit was not illuminating one
bit, either, but what can you do? Aside from the confidence that I once again
am sufficiently afraid of emergencies but better prepared and aware in dealing
with them was well worth the price of admission.
So the other 2 ½
weeks were also damn busy. I started off in Boston, closing the sale of the B
Family estate, which was both more stressful and less strenuous than I had
expected. I was, apparently, well prepared to deal with the emotional aftermath
of being the sibling among my siblings who was entrusted to pull the pin there.
So that got done and some long-standing issues were resolved in the process.
All to the good. And I got to say goodbye to Boston in a more permanent way,
which was nice. I am a southerner now. Well, I live in Margaritaville, so I’m a
hemidemisemi southerner. Good enough. My grandkids will say ‘y’all’ one day
Aside from
several long-term projects coming to fruition, there were the usual small fires
to put out and some other weirdness to be dealt with. I went to a Brazilian Quincenera a 15th birthday
party for a friend’s daughter, which was a trip, and I bet would have been an
absolute blast or all had the family involved not been among the holiest of
holy rollers. Well, there was good food, anyhow, and I took the opportunity to
arrive a day early and leave a day late, so we could go to Disney.
2 days at
Disneyworld= 5 days in any other vacation site. Holy shit it was pricey.
Also, I really,
really don’t like crowds or amusement parks, but the fam had a blast and I
survived, so… mission accomplished I guess.
I did get 2
half-days to work in my shop on my little model boats, so that was nice. It was
probably the most relaxing time I had overall. I got in some time with my own
nuclear family on non-Disney grounds where I could have a good time, too, and
that was wonderful, but there wasn’t enough of that overall. Maybe next month
when I come home.
So, after 3 ½
weeks, this has been the longest consecutive time I’ve had ashore in over 10
years. I had hoped to be more relaxed,
but such things aren’t always in the cards for me, given my hyperactive nature.
Am I relaxed and ready to face another month of being chief bottle washer
aboard a floating metal gas station? No. I’m not. But I’m going anyhow. I might
feel a little frazzled, but I planted the seeds for a new path to open up for
my future. I’ll have to decide what, if anything, to do with it while the
paperwork and such is hashed out. It’s nice to have options. If you’ve noticed,
my posting has dropped off, and this is in line with my enthusiasm overall
while I’m at work. I feel as though things are about to get interesting again
for me for the first time in a long, long time. I’m not excited yet, but I’m
keeping a weather eye out for excitement in the future.
Welcome back, you're one of the few that still blog and are actually good at it.