Sunday, August 28, 2016


So, between working on a maintenance project here on board the HQ  and having a particularly good book to read, I spent a couple of days out of touch, more or less, from the mass media.

 Nothing of note happened. Well, nothing of note to me. When I finally sat down and got caught up on the 'news' (scare quotes intended), I realized that I had just wasted 30 minutes on updating myself with minutia and noise.

 Fuck me. Thanks, captain Obvious, right?

    Well, sort of. The world turns, regardless, and my career choice already predisposes me to being able to narrow down my focus of concern into a boat hull-shaped space and tune out the extraneous.

 So it goes. It was pretty peaceful, really.

  Anyhow, back to it. 9 Days to go. And counting.


  1. What book? And did you know that Nathan Lowell's newest has just been released?

  2. Good books are great escapes from reality.
    I just got back from a 3 week delivery job. No internet, no TV, nothing but GMDSS. It was nice to get away from all the daily BS. It's hard to avoid it all at home, even when you try to. I hardly ever turn on the TV anyway, but I still get more 'news' than I want to.
