Monday, May 30, 2016

Memorial Day

Today we remember those who fell in the service of our nation.

     As I age, I regret more and more that I can't number myself among the veterans of this nation. My father, uncles, brother, sister, and nephew have all served. My immature 18-year old self had an invite to try for Nuke school in the navy, but I wanted to fish and be a scientist, numbnuts that I can be.

 Well, I woke up, just  a bit late for that.
            The pastor at my old church when I lived in Boston recently left for boot camp. He was really psyched up- a diminutive, 30-something Catholic priest, of Indian (dots not feathers) descent, he absolutely didn't fit the mold, but by now he's out of boot camp and is a chaplain and a reservist.  I honor that guy.

   For those that do make it back, but suffer physically, mentally or spiritually as a result, I am always saddened that we are so willing to throw money at those who do nothing but take it, but for our veterans, there is so little we as a nation are willing to give.  God bless them all.

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