Last few days before I head back to work. Much fun was had, and tonight, as always, I'll get the pre-departure crankypants going on, where I mope about a bit before rediscovering that I have a decanter with whisky, which helps considerably, but inevitably results in my snoring, and my wife ruining my sleep because she's continually elbowing me to stop. But that's OK.
I got a whole bunch of range time in, and one of my brothers came down to visit for a few days, so we got to catch up, and I got to use the excuse that I prefer home cooking so I didn't have to eat restaurant food, and all was well. My brother was escaping sub-zero temperatures, so even though it was fairly cool by our standards, 77 and sunny suited him just fine, and we got sunburnt sitting out on the pool deck, and then even more sunburnt a few days later when we were wandering around the waters around Key Largo, where we rented a center-console sportfisherman and spent a day on the water. We jumped into the gulf stream, which was only a couple miles offshore, and it was surprisingly cool, which means that it was still warmer than Boston Harbor at its warmest.
...and I got a sunburn on my stomach, which I haven't done since I was a teenager. I'll tell you what, my gut has been seriously growing back this past year, and man, I FEEL THAT SHIT now, rubbing against my shirt.
I console myself that I will look nice with a little tan, instead of being my usual fishbelly white beyond where my usual summer farmer's tan resides.
Well, off we go.
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