Monday, November 4, 2013


Well, that was a busy two weeks home! Tomorrow I make my way back to Sodom On The Hudson and another 4-5 weeks of work. I've been busting my ass doing some kick-ass stuff and also just getting my ducks in a row after not being home for 2 1/2 months. Things like, getting a haircut.



 I got to go to Downeast Maine, my favorite place in the world that isn't between a ladies' knees.

...I even got to go for a boat ride around my old hometown and summer lobstering grounds.

 Not pictured is the 2-foot high pile of bills that I went through. God help the many poor trees who gave their all.

 Oh, and I broke my hideously expensive computer. I'm dealing with my now-repaired older computer for this trip. My backup computer only has 1Tb and 6gb of RAM, but, you know, I manage. Anyhow, I'm dealing, and will write more later after I get back onboard.

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