Sunday, October 16, 2011

For sale

If anyone's interested, and willing to go to Massachusetts for pickup, here is a lovely 1072 Oldsmobile Cutlass, with a modified 350 rocket engine, currently configured to produce in the range of 400hp, which can easily be modified to go far higher. The car has a metallic gold finish, a restored interior (original w/ an 8-track player, plus an upgraded stereo slung under the dash). The front grille needs to be rechromed, she needs a new lock on the trunk, and the front end could use a rebuild in the next year or two. This is my big brother's car, and he wants it gone ASAP. $5,500 or best offer. Anyone interested, please email me.


  1. Man, I'm glad that I'm not in Mass anymore, because I'd be all over this like stink on a dog.

    Sweet. But the Missus would ask questions about #1 Son's tuition payments. Dang.

  2. Hi Paul,

    Send me an email please.

    IF its around me I will go look :)

    theferalirishman AT gmail DOT com

