Thursday, March 17, 2011

You're Effing Welcome

... while I was home, I dutifully paid my taxes to the Massachusetts Department of Revenue and Ministry of Love.

...considering that I spent less than 16 weeks in Massachusetts last year, and they got 5.3% of my income, I'd say "You're welcome, and I hope you choke on it." 16 weeks of shitty roads, traffic, no political representation, a 20% increase in sales tax, a frigging SHOOTOUT the next street over, learning that Massachusetts taxes you extra if you die, including taxing your savings twice... WTF? When I showed Inappropriately Hot Foreign Wife how much we were forking over to the People's Republic, my wife finally folded and said that we could buy a house in Florida if I wanted.
Something about being able to buy a car with the money that we hand over annually with absolutely jack shit in return (really, does anyone think that no one answers 911 when you call in a no-state-tax state? So far as I can tell, the only ones who lose in a no-tax state are the welfare bums and the unions) finally pushed my wife into my corner. Plus, for the money I would spend on a shitbox house with no land here, I could buy a home with an indoor pool in Florida. I've looked.


  1. Just an FYI Washington state also has no income tax...but I don't think the wifey would dig the weather :)

  2. Tallahassee that's all I'm saying. University town, Brazilians, easy commute (once a week) to Jacksonville, Pensacola or Mobile.

  3. Just a little inside info on the move to the Sunshine State. They charge a small fortune for homeowner's insurance. They tax you car if you didn't buy it in state and the "bluehairs" are deadly accurate when it comes to dinging the side of your wheels in the shopping center parking lots, it seems the grocery carts are wildly difficult to control. IHFW may love the weather, but your patience may wear thin during hurricane season...

  4. Understood,BB. Assachusetts taxes your car each and every year that you own it, based on it's resell value- they tax you when you buy it, then again each and every New Year's Day. I'm sure the homeowner's insurance is expensive as hell, but it can't be more expensive than the 33+% overvalue for homes that is foisted on MA residents.

    I had a scumbag steal the side mirrors off the side of my car a few months ago. At least the fossils don't have sticky fingers like my neighbors.
