Sunday, October 24, 2010

I am old

What kind of sick joke is it, when the opening track to one of the greatest heavy metal albums of all time is used to advertise Honda minivans.

I'm pretty sure that the guys from Judas Priest aren't driving mom-mobiles. I wonder if Rob Halford will start driving a minivan on stage at the start and and of the show, rather than the boring old Harley of the past 30 years.


  1. No, they probably aren't driving minivans. But that won't stop them from cashing royalty checks.

  2. Its funny but every time I hear Hellion I think of automatic sliding doors and large trunk space.

    Its like how I used to get thirsty for Dr Pepper everytime I listened to KISS and then they made that commercial.

    I think its just kismet...either that or advertising is the work of the Devil.

  3. I'm expecting that the Slayer catalogue will be next. Maybe to sell Swiffers.

  4. I'm expecting that the Slayer catalogue will be next. Maybe to sell Swiffers.

  5. Its too bad no one's selling iron maidens, because you know who'd be great for that commercial ...Metallica.
