...and now this: France, among the most socialist nations on earth, whose battle flag of pure white is synonymous with the flag of surrender, and whose leftist 'progressive' policies have led the culture and safety of their nation to a bad, bad place, has fired the second non-pc protectionist shot heard round the world in recent months.
check it out:
...the socialist mayor of the northern city of Roubaix, who this month railed against his local Quick outlet over its Nov. 30 decision to remove bacon burgers from its menu and replace them with a version using halal beef and a slice of smoked turkey. "It's discrimination" against non-Muslim customers, Vandierendonck said. The mayor has filed charges with justice authorities against Quick for what he says is prejudicial religious catering. He has also lodged a complaint with France's main antidiscrimination authority on the matter. "Yes to diversity, no to exclusion..."
When France takes the lead in reigning in the spread of Islamism in the world, you know that we've fallen a long, long way.
Maybe it's time the EU invaded Jerusalem again, and keep the moors in check for a few more centuries.
Paul -- you wrote on your profile that one of your favorite books is Freighter Captain by Max Hardberger. Max wants to arrange for Random House to mail you an advance copy of his new book, SEIZED! A Sea Captain's Adventures Battling Scoundrels and Pirates While Recovering Stolen Ships in the World's Most Troubled Waters. If you're interested send an email to info@maxhardberger.com